What information is needed to register on lento.eu?

Note! Make sure you enter the given names as on the Identity document that you use for registration, this means just the first and middle name or if you have more than 2, but it is excluded the Surname. E.g.: Michael-Raphael Alexander, if there is a ‘’-‘’ between your names, you should also add it. Do not use commas between the names. To register as a Tenant or as a Host you need to provide the following information: Name, Address, Date of birth, Telephone number, the Type and number of identity document and IBAN. To register as a Host Company and or an Employer you need to provide the following information: Name, Date of birth, Telephone number, the Type and number of identity document, Role and function within the company, Industry, Company name, VAT/Chamber of commerce number, Address, E-mail, Telephone number, IBAN and contact person for: BILLING/ COMPLAINTS / DAMAGES/ ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE/ STATUS OF LIVING PLACES.  Note! The contact person can be the same or different for each department.